Seconds Before Disaster

Seconds Before Disaster

If you're just watching something unfold, you know that hilarity is seconds away. If you're on the receiving end of it, however, it's not going to be anywhere near as funny. Check out these moments capturing the calm right before the worst occurs!

Just a Bit Inside

baseball and a little boy

If this was a pitch, this kid's got to wonder what he did to make the pitcher so upset to aim a fastball in that direction. If it's coming off the bat, that's just sad, because he's about to meet a very painful future in the family jewels. Let's just say he's truly earned first base.

Sliding Out of Control

old school roller skates

The outfit deserves plenty of props for its accuracy. But roller skating in the house is seldom a good idea, and doing it on a kitchen floor even less so. Here's why: it's never fun to slide into a wall like this one, an almost certain outcome when you run out of room.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time

frisby problem

Bad bounces on the ground usually happen with balls, not discs. But this poor dog found out that when the ground is just right and the throw is just poor enough, even a disc can hit you in the you-know-where. The look on his face says all that's necessary here.

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