The Dirty Truth: Are Robot Vacuums Worth It?

Self-propelled vacuums seem like the best invention of the last century… but are they really? Here’s the truth about robot vacuum cleaners, what they do, what they can’t do, and whether they’re really worth their cost.
Suction Strength: Can Robot Vacuums Tackle the Big Jobs?

One reason robot vacuums are so popular is because of their compact size. But while their low profile may help them get under couches and chairs, shrinking down your vacuum means compromising sucking power. Even a basic upright vacuum outperforms a robot vacuum. This is especially evident when it comes to tackling larger messes such as a spilled can of coffee grounds or piles of pet hair.

Robot vacuums are not the appliance to turn to when you have 5 minutes until the in-laws arrive and suddenly realize the living room carpet is in dire shape. It takes the average robot vacuum cleaner about 15 minutes to spruce up a normal, rectangular room.
That said, if you have the time, you can run your vacuum while you get ready or put the finishing touches on dinner, essentially doubling your functionality.
Navigation and Maintenance

While robo-vacs have come a long way since they were originally introduced, they still run into occasional snags when they literally run into furniture or get stuck in a corner. You may have to occasionally go turn around a beeping unit, and you’ll definitely need to empty the dirt reservoir regularly to maintain optimal cleaning power.
How Much Do They Cost?

Robot vacuums are more expensive than most upright vacuum cleaners, excepting some high-end uprights that come with extra attachments and tons of tech-driven features.
While some refurbished and off-brand models retail for under $100, most robotic vacuum cleaners are priced in excess of $300. One of the most expensive, the Bobsweep PetHair Vision Plus, is priced at $899.99. Comparatively, the popular Shark Navigator upright is just $219.99.
So… Are Robot Vacuums Worth It?

It depends. Robot vacuum cleaners deliver the best value when used as a complement to regular deep cleaning. And for consumers with disabilities that make upright vacuums a challenge to operate, robo-vacs can be game changers. Use an upright to get all the nooks and crannies and to tackle big messes that need addressing right away, then turn to your robot vacuum to maintain a cleaner space in between.