Latest and Greatest Vacation Moments
Latest and Greatest Vacation Moments

There's nothing like creating a memorable and funny photo when you're enjoying your vacation. These vacationers really went above and beyond in having fun with their photos; take a look at some of the most memorable and humorous moments during their time away from the office!

Best Beer Pong Game Ever

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These people deserve a ton of credit for setting up this play area. Most people just go for the table, but this group created a full play arena for a beer pong tournament. As long as high tide stays away for a few hours, this is an outstanding creation.

Seeing Double

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This man's sleek, athletic figure is a sight to behold in itself. But it's also a perfect mirror image of the landscape on yonder horizon. Wonder if he knows, or it's just the sweet synchronicity of nature? Either way, we shall name the man Gabe, and congratulate him on his success in life as a meme.