Make Your Home Smell Incredible

There's nothing better than walking through the front door and coming home to a pleasant aroma. With the right techniques, it's easy to keep the air smelling great and prevent pet odors, cooking odors and other unpleasant smells from taking over. Learn how lifestyle gurus keep their houses smelling fresh and clean every day.
Keep It Clean

It goes without saying — a clean home is the foundation of a great-smelling home. Make sure that bathrooms, garbage cans, garbage disposals, compost bins, and food storage areas are cleaned regularly. It also helps to sprinkle baking soda on carpets before vacuuming, mop hard floors regularly, and keep walls free of dirt.
Add Essential Oils to Air Filters

In homes with forced-air HVAC systems, adding a few drops of essential oils to air filters and being sure to change those filters out monthly can make the air smell great. When essential oil is added to these filters, their fragrance is pushed through HVAC systems, sending a pleasant aroma through vents into every room of the house.
Heat Vanilla in the Oven

For a gourmand scent that fills the air throughout the home, grab an oven-safe dish and pour in two to three capfuls of vanilla. Place the dish in the oven and let it heat up at 300 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, the scent will quickly fill the air and leave an aroma that can last several hours.
Clean With Homemade Sprays

All-purpose cleaners are convenient but making a custom cleaner at home is a great way to save money and develop a custom fragrance. Cleaners can be made easily by combining white vinegar with essential oils, herbs, citrus peels, and other natural, fragrant ingredients. If there are pets in the home, it's important to remember that some essential oils can be hazardous to their health, even when sprayed into the air, so check ingredients before preparing a cleaning formula.
Use Dryer Sheets to Prevent Unpleasant Odors

Dryer sheets are a great tool for making a home smell good. They can be placed in the bottom of trash bins to prevent smells from escaping, taped inside of heat vents to circulate fragrance through the home or even taped to a floor fan to give the home an extra fragrance boost.