Ensuring a Good Night's Sleep: The Pros and Cons of Foam, Innerspring and Hybrid Mattresses

In today's busy world, ensuring you get enough sleep is extremely important. A lack of sleep can make people irritable and unable to stay focused throughout the day, while uninterrupted sleep can help reduce stress and even give your immune system a boost. A quality mattress can help promote a good night's sleep by providing support and cushioning your muscles and joints.
Pros and Cons of Foam Mattresses

Memory foam is one of the most popular mattress material options, as it cushions the body and "remembers" the sleeping positions of users so they can rest comfortably. Memory foam mattresses are designed to reduce pressure on the spine, which may contribute to a better night's sleep.
Memory foam mattresses retain body heat, which can make them warmer than traditional innerspring mattresses. Another potential downfall of memory foam is its odor. This odor is common in newly-purchased mattresses, and it dissipates as the mattresses air out.
Pros and Cons of Innerspring and Hybrid Mattresses

Innerspring mattresses tend to be more affordable than memory foam, and they feature a simple design that's usually suitable for most body weights and heights. One common complaint about innerspring mattresses is that the springs can be noisy. Also, many types of innerspring mattresses are not hypo-allergenic, which can make them more prone to dust mites.
Hybrid mattresses are designed with both memory foam and inner springs. These mattresses provide ample support for back-sleepers and individuals who are heavier in weight. Plus, the included inner coil adds extra flexibility to the mattress. Hybrid mattresses tend to be heavier than single-material mattresses, and the memory foam layer can create extra warmth and cause sleepers to "sleep hot."