Everyday Things With A Hidden Layer Of Design

Everyday Things With A Hidden Layer Of Design

When you look at the designs of certain items, you might be thinking that certain features can't just be there for show. And if you've thought that, you're right. Companies love to put hidden tricks in their products to help make them easier for those in the know; check out these common examples!

Giving George a Haircut

Ridges on coins 1

Back in the old days, people would try to skimp on paying taxes by clipping their coins, taking away precious metal in the process. That's why ridges were added to the coins: if the ridges weren't there, merchants knew that the coin had been clipped and wouldn't take it!

The Lines Are For Strength, Not Measurements

Lines on red solo cup 1

Have you heard that red Solo cups can measure out the amount of water or beer that equals one serving? It's actually a coincidence; the lines are meant to make it easier for you to grip the cup and not crack it in your hands. But it's an amazing coincidence!

Elevators Have Key Holes

Hole on elevator door 1

Have you ever noticed a small hole on the metal elevator doors while you're waiting for it to open? That's an emergency entry in case the elevator gets stuck and someone needs to be rescued. Open that up, and the doors will open...whether or not there's a waiting elevator for you to enter.

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